Why email is still the #1 marketing channel available today

This is a concerning poll.

I posted this poll on Twitter 4 days ago.

Keep in mind my followers are all entrepreneurs copywriters and small business owners.

52% of them don’t have an email list. Of the ones who do - 21.4% of them aren’t using it at all!

Here’s why that’s so shocking…

Email has a 34:1 return on investment.

That means for every $1 you invest in email marketing it returns you $34.

Put another way - Email has a 3,300% return on your investment.

There is no other marketing channel that comes close to that kind of return.

Email marketing is THE MOST PROFITABLE marketing you can do. Yet 73.8% of my audience isn’t using it at all.

But it’s not just the ROI that makes email marketing so valuable…

Here are 5 more reasons you should be building your email list right now…

  1. It’s scaleable - you write the same email whether you’re sending it to 20 people or 20,000. As your email list grows you make more money from the same effort. One person working from a coffee shop in Whitefish, Montana can make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year off a list of only a few thousand people.
  2. You own your email list - Unlike your social media following you own the emails on your list. If my email provider decides to drop me as a customer I can take my list to a competitor.
  3. It only takes 1-2 hours a day - This is a big one for those with a full-time job. I send an email to my list every day. It takes me 1-2 hours and I’m done.
  4. It’s less scary if you’re new - Writing a 10-page sales letter or 30-minute VSL can be overwhelming. But a 500 word email? Hell that’s easy.
  5. You can make good money working just 3-4 hours a day - If you spend 1-2 hours a day writing the kind of personality-driven emails I teach, and another 1-2 hours on the product or service you want to sell you can make great money. I’ve been bringing in $20-$40k a month from my email list for years. And I’m not working 12 hours a day.

I could go on but you get the point…

If you’re not building a list and marketing to it daily you’re missing out on the easiest money in business.

Oh, and did I mention that it’s fun?

Maybe working 2-4 hours a day and making hundreds of thousands a year appeals to you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

If it does then I have a big announcement to make…

This coming Sunday from 9 AM - 12 PM Pacific I’m going to teach you my entire email marketing strategy.

I’m going to show you:

How to write personality-driven emails like I do…

How to come up with endless ideas to write about…

When to promote vs. when to build relationships…

How to make maximum money when you do promote…

And my favorite ways to build a list - HINT: It’s not just using social media.

I’m calling the training…

Email Income Crash Course: How to write personality-driven emails for maximum influence and maximum profit.

Over the past 15 years I’ve made 20 million dollars (conservatively) through email marketing alone.

It is HANDS DOWN the cheapest and easiest way to make money online.

And this Sunday I’m going to teach you exactly how I do it.

From finding an audience…

How to convince them to join your list…

And converting them into buyers…

I’ll show you exactly how to do it in this LIVE training session.

Get registered here.

Talk soon,


P.S. If you know any entrepreneurs or copywriters who would enjoy this letter, just send them an email with this link: https://jasonstapleton.com/em/

P.P.S. Your e-mail address will never be shared. And if you ever want to unsubscribe, just let me know and I will vanish from your life like a shadow in the dark.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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