
The Entrepreneurial Minimalist

Join 12,000 + Entrepreneurs who are building a business that supports and funds their life, without consuming it.

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Why email is still the #1 marketing channel available today

This is a concerning poll. I posted this poll on Twitter 4 days ago. Keep in mind my followers are all entrepreneurs copywriters and small business owners. 52% of them don’t have an email list. Of the ones who do - 21.4% of them aren’t using it at all! Here’s why that’s so shocking… Email has a 34:1 return on investment. That means for every $1 you invest in email marketing it returns you $34. Put another way - Email has a 3,300% return on your investment. There is no other marketing channel...

From:Jason StapletonScottsdale, AZFriday, 10:43 a.m. Hello again my friend, If you’re not emailing your list regularly you’re losing money. You don’t have to make it more complicated than that. If you want more money, make more offers. But HOW you make those offers matters a lot. So today I want to show you how I get away with emailing my list every day and still have an open rate of 48.24%. A Case For Emailing Every Day You might not realize it but I email you at least 5 times a week....

Storytelling should be required learning in school. Just like math and English. Sadly it’s one more example of how our education system has failed us. But fear not dear reader! Today I’m going to show you 7 types of stories you can use to build a better business and brand. Why Tell Stories? We don’t just tell stories to entertain. We tell them to inspire and educate as well as to explain our values and beliefs. Ultimately we tell stories to deepen the relationship with have with our audience....

From:Jason StapletonScottsdale, AZFriday, 11:08 a.m. Hello again my friend, Ever wondered why some people pay triple for a VIP ticket to a seminar? Or why 60-year-old men buy sports cars? It’s not for the reasons you think. Today we’re going to explore the mysteries of human buying behavior as I teach you the dark art of mind-control selling. HA! Not really (but that sounds super cool). What I really want to do is teach you an influence principle that will make selling your product or service...

4 primary things define you and your personal brand. If you get them right you’ll stand out as someone of authority who’s worthy of attention. If you get them wrong you’ll wander the internet in obscurity. So today I want to teach you how to develop the 4 parts of your personal brand. First let’s list them out: Your Opinion Your Mission Your Method Your Personality Now let’s break down each of them. Your Opinion This is your point of view, or what I call a TPOV or ‘Transformational Point of...

From:Jason StapletonScottsdale, AZSunday, 10:15 a.m. In 1990 a young intern was trying to book the group N.W.A. on the Arsenio Hall Show. Seeing the opportunity to be bold the young man said to Ice Cube, “I’m a junior at the USC film school and I’m writing a movie. When I graduate I’m going to put you in it.” That man was John Singleton. Ice Cube listened politely, then immediately forgot about the conversation. A year later, Singleton bumps into Ice Cube at an event and says, “Remember me!...

From:Jason StapletonScottsdale, AZFriday, 10:43 a.m. You could make the case that having a complex business or marketing strategy is a form of insurance against competition. If your process for attracting and converting leads into buyers requires 16 funnels and 300 steps it’s unlikely a competitor would be able to copy your model even if they knew what you were doing. But for most entrepreneurs, especially those who follow the principles of Entrepreneurial Minimalism, complexity is a killer....

From:Jason StapletonScottsdale, AZSaturday, 9:28 a.m. Hello again my friend, I’ve been a content creator for 17 years. Although we didn’t call ourselves content creators back then. We didn’t even have a name for it. Most of us were coaches and consultants who posted free training on YouTube or wrote old-school newsletters while offering a digital version too. That’s how this whole content game got started. A bunch of legacy business owners who figured out how to use the internet to sell what...

From:Jason StapletonScottsdale, AZMonday, 4:15 a.m. Hello again my friend, In the everyday pursuit of your dreams, money is no doubt part of the equation. We need capital (or cashflow) to fund almost everything we do. And I would never suggest you ignore the value or utility that money can provide. But last week I was chatting with a friend when Charlie Munger came up. Charlie was the long time friend and business partner of Warren Buffett. He died last week at the age of 99. My friend asked...

From:Jason StapletonScottsdale, AZFriday, 10:53 a.m. First they’ll ignore you. When they can’t ignore you anymore they’ll call you crazy, even dangerous. And when they finally realize your ideas have value, everyone will claim it was their idea first. Such is the nature of original ideas. Britain 1871 In the early 19th century shipping was big business in Great Britain. And if you were a merchant who owned ships you knew one thing - The more cargo you can get on your ships the more money you...