Here’s a simple framework to kill complexity

Jason Stapleton
Scottsdale, AZ
Friday, 10:43 a.m.

You could make the case that having a complex business or marketing strategy is a form of insurance against competition.

If your process for attracting and converting leads into buyers requires 16 funnels and 300 steps it’s unlikely a competitor would be able to copy your model even if they knew what you were doing.

But for most entrepreneurs, especially those who follow the principles of Entrepreneurial Minimalism, complexity is a killer.

The more complicated the business the more difficult it is to manage and the more people you need to keep the whole thing running.

If you’re not careful the employees you hire to make your life easier will overcomplicate what they do as a way to protect their job. If nobody knows how Jane manages inventory it’s going to be hard to get rid of her without bringing the company to a grinding halt.

With every action, process, and system we build into our business we need to make simplicity a primary focus. So today I want to look at one of the most important systems in your business. Marketing.

Escape & Arrival

The best way I’ve found to explain business systems is using a concept called escape and arrival.

Every person on earth is currently in some state of discomfort.

  • They may be unemployed and need a job.
  • They may be overweight and need to get healthy.
  • They may be lonely and want to meet that special someone.

You can think of each of these as desires. And desires are part of being human. Desire is a form of discomfort. We want to satisfy our desires. Your job as chief evangelist for your business is to show your clients how.

Let’s say you’re in the business of helping people get into shape. That’s something everyone can identify with.

Using our escape and arrival framework we want to lay out each of the steps necessary to move someone from their current state of discomfort (fat) to their desired state. (fit)

It looks like this:

Now I’m not in the fitness industry so I may not have the steps exactly right but you can see how simplifying the process for both you and the client creates clarity. And clarity is what we’re after.

Clarifying the problem, result and steps involved not only simplifies your life as the entrepreneur it also makes it easier for your client to purchase because the path to getting what they want is clear and simple.

We can use this same Escape & Arrival framework for everything in our business.

Here’s one for getting clients that I pulled directly from the new ‘Funnel Design Track’ I’m creating for our Leverage Coaching Group.

By the way, you can get a 14-Day FREE trial right now to check out the Leverage Program risk-free!

In these dangerous economic times where millions of people are losing their full-time jobs, it’s never been more important for you to start building a second income that can act as a safety net when the worst happens.

But I digress…

I use the Escape & Arrival framework for everything I do in my business.

I use it to:

  • Build out my coaching programs.
  • Design customized solutions for my private clients.
  • Plan my marketing strategies.
  • Create my sales funnels…

…my entire business runs on this simple framework.

So give it a try. If you do I’m confident you’ll experience a level of confidence and clarity you’ve never had. And it costs you nothing.

To be continued…


If you enjoyed this newsletter there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. If you’re looking to start or grow a solo business that can protect you during these dangerous economic times while moving you closer to the fulfilled life you're looking for then I’d recommend joining my Leverage Coaching Group. For a limited time, you can try Leverage Risk-FREE with a 14-day FREE trial.

2. If you have a successful business but it feels like a monster that owns you, then I want you to click here to schedule a free 1:1 call so I can help you turn that "prison business" into one that provides you the freedom and fulfillment you wanted when you started it.

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